Resident online registration is for North Bergen residents only. All residents are required to register their vehicle license plate to be able to park a non-commercial vehicle within the Township.  

When registering, the following documentation is required as proof of residency:

      A.  Your valid New Jersey driver's license with your name and North Bergen street address, and  

      B.  Your valid New Jersey vehicle registration with your name and North Bergen street address.

            * Residents with leased vehicles will also be required to provide your  vehicle's insurance card with your name                       and North Bergen street address.

Fee:  $15.00 per vehicle; Valid from the date of Approval Confirmation until the set expiration date established                            for your zone. 

(Note: You are paying for the registration of the license plate and not a specific time. Registration on the first date of renewal will allow for a full 3 years). 


Resident/Company Owned Vehicle online registration is for residents who live in North Bergen and are provided a non-commercial vehicle by the company/business, by which they are employed, to be able to park within the Township.

When registering, ALL the following documentation is required as proof of residency:

      A.  Your valid New Jersey driver's license with your name and North Bergen street address.

      B.  Your valid vehicle registration with your company's name and address.

      C.   A letter, on official company/business letterhead, assigning authorized use of the vehicle to the resident.                             The letter should contain the vehicle make, model and vehicle registration (VIN) number.

      D.  Two (2) current proofs of residency which are delivered to your North Bergen street address                                                         (gas, electric, internet, cable, telephone, utilities, bank or credit card statement).

      E.  At least five (5) pictures of the vehicle to verify it does not have any signs of being a commercial vehicle.                                The pi ctures must capture each side of the vehicle as well as the front, rear, interior and pickup trucks the rear                  bed. Any racks on the vehicle have to be visible in the pictures taken. (Please note, additional pictures may                          be requested during the approval process).                

Fee:  $15.00 per vehicle; Valid from the date of Approval Confirmation until the set expiration date established                            for your zone.

(Note: You are paying for the registration of the license plate and not a specific time. Registration on the first date        of renewal will allow for a full three years).


Residents with new vehicles must purchase a resident permit using the temporary plate. A temporary permit will be issued until you receive your license plates and vehicle registration. once the vehicle registration is received return the temportary permit in exchange for a permanent one at no additional cost.  

When registering, ALL the following documentation is required as proof of residency:

      A.  Your valid New Jersey driver's license with your name and North Bergen street address.

      B.  Your valid vehicle registration for your temporary plate with your name and North Bergen street address.

Fee: $15.00 per vehicle; Valid from the date of Approval Confirmation until the set expiration date established for your zone. 

Updated 10/29/2024


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